
Sullivan-Wallen Post 11







                Guy looking for the name of the first, and of the last, American to die in the Vietnam War.      

       Guy searching for the name of the first, and of the last, American to die in the Vietnam War.





     Hot Topics:

     Visit the NEWSLETTER “Tab”:


July 2024 
4-Happy 4th of July 
9- Executive Board Meeting 6pm 
     Auxiliary Meeting 6:30pm 
     SAL Post 11 6:30pm 
     Business Meeting 7pm 
10-14 WI Am Legion Convention in Appleton 
20- Breakfast Buffet 8am to 10:30am 
23- Social Meeting 6pm 
August 2024 
13- Executive Board Meeting 6pm 
      Auxiliary Meeting 6:30p 
      SAL Post 11 6:30pm 
      Business Meeting 7pm  
20- Birthday Dinner 6pm 
23- Articles Due for Newsletter 
24- Breakfast Buffet 8am to 10:30am 
27- Social Meeting 6pm 
29- Prep Newsletter Mailing 9am

      NOTE: Newsletter

August 23rd    Deadline for Newsletter Articles

August 29th   Prepare newsletters for mailing 9am

  • Ronald Fairbanks, Kurt MIller, Robert Graf, Jim Zima, Ronald Webster, Gary Dalebroux, Tom Duffek.


  • Tom Eiler, Ron Huff, Michael DeBauche, David Oksnee, Carl Oksnee, Tom VanLanen, Sid Leyse.
      Other Post 11 Contacts:
There are no Promenades scheduled for July or August. The next one will be September 18th at 7:30pm at Post 11 in Green Bay. 
          CJ Kellner 920-366-5109

           Saturday, September 14th, 11am to 2pm is the Proko Wall Courage Cookout at Prince of Peace. They have asked us to help with the flag placement , rifle salute, and taps. If you are interested in participating please let me know at a meeting or call 920.366.5109. If you want to attend please let Proko Wall know by reserving at 920.468.4111 or visit their website.


        CJ Kellner 920-366-5109

Breakfast will be July 20 and August 24 from 8:00am to 10:30am. It only costs $9 for adults-all you can eat!! 




There are a couple things I’d like to bring to your attention in this newsletter: 

1st , I want to thank everyone who has participated in our previous two Brat Barns. Through your efforts, we’ve earned just over $2,000.00. I appreciate your help very much, but we’ve got one more to go and that’s going to be held on Friday June 28th . The one thing that disappoints me though is that even if you can’t work the event, why is it that we only see one or two post members buying a brat or a burger? I mean, I get it, we all can’t spend a two-hour shift cooking or fixing the sandwiches for the customers but why is it that we can’t support our own event by coming down for a few minutes and buying a brat or a burger? Just asking for a friend. 
2nd , After the last hall rental, the place was left in a mess. Mylar glitter was spread over the floors, the floors were sticky, and helium balloons were wrapped up in the fans. On the 28th of May, when we were recovering flags, we were also untying and removing balloons. It was disgusting and I instructed the Rental Coordinator to refuse to return the party’s security deposit. At the last meeting of the Post, I mentioned that we needed to conduct a field day (that’s NAVY for clean-up) so on Juneteenth we did just that. Therefore, I want to thank Mike Dugan, John Ackey, Tom Herber, Len Madison, Keith Garland, Mark Pirlot, Glen Boyles, Jim Faucett, Jerry Willems and Rick Young for coming down and celebrating their holiday by running brooms, swinging mops, and pushing vacuums to clean the mess up. 
3rd , it’s time to pay our dues again! As of the first of July, we will be starting a new dues cycle. For those of us who are PUFL or Life members or even have the National auto draft from our checking accounts we’re golden. Disregard this. It’s the rest of us that I’m trying to reach. Get your dues paid early and don’t forget, they’ve gone up this year! 
Finally, the Department convention will be held in Appleton this year and we need some more folks to attend it. Right now, there are only two of us signed up and if you’re an elected officer, I would strongly suggest that you volunteer some time and go down and see what goes on at one of these meetings. Personally, I find the committee meetings to be most informative. You can learn a lot by attending one of those meetings. Talk to Tom and get signed up for a day or two. 

Commander Bill Kaczmarek



Welcome Summer !!

Programs: Poppy Fundraiser 2024 in the books. A HUGE thank you to all who donated your time at the various stores. We raised a total of $8,949.79. A special shout out to Roger Letourneau who spent the entire day at Festival De Pere. His efforts brought in over $1,700. Awesome job by all involved.

Children and Youth- We received a very nice Thank You Note from the Staff at Nicolet Elementary school for supporting their Family Food Pantry program. We will continue to support this very worthy cause with donations of dry/ canned food items once school is back in session.

Veterans-Thanks to all who came out to support the Memorial Day Ceremonies. We will be giving feedback to the UPS leadership prior to next Memorial Day. Cottage Court project has been approved, I will be applying for a Grant to purchase various items for the Community Center to be used by the veteran residents.

Membership: Welcome new Auxiliary Members who joined in the last few months. Twila Marquart; Angela Vollman; Barb Stencil; Brianna Goodman; Ann Kenevan; Gail Nohr; Kelly Huff and Desiree Huff. We hope you will Join us at our monthly meeting at the post. Meetings are the 2nd Tuesday of the at 6:30PM. Please consider coming.


           President Mary Van Egeren  -  920-737-5587 - Mary Krutz - 920-680-7938




 -Since our charter in 1919, our American Legion Post has been welcoming VETERANS from all branches of our Armed Forces. Today, we continue to welcome all military personnel serving our country. Joining our Post enables you to continue serving your God, Country and Community. Our mission is to implement the goals, aspirations, dreams, peace and blessings for our country, friends and families embodied in our preamble below.

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To the wonderful patriotic citizens of the Green Bay community. Join our Post as a Booster or Sponsor. (click Sponsor or Booster Button for details). 100% of the monies raised are given back to the community. Help us to continue sponsoring Scholarships for our children; give aid and assistance to our local needy Veterans, and their families. Help us to continue to support financially worthy community programs and projects.